full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Halla Tómasdóttir and Bryn Freedman: The crisis of leadership -- and a new way forward

Unscramble the Blue Letters

HT: Well, thank you very much for that fantastic question. So sometimes people at the top won't liestn, but it's interesting that with the low trsut we have in society right now, the greatest trust we have is actually between the eomlepye and the employer, according to recent research. So I think that relationship may be the most powerful way to actually transform the way we do things. So I would start by trying to bulid a coalition for your good idea. And I don't know a single leader today who will not listen to a concern that many of their employees hold.

Open Cloze

HT: Well, thank you very much for that fantastic question. So sometimes people at the top won't ______, but it's interesting that with the low _____ we have in society right now, the greatest trust we have is actually between the ________ and the employer, according to recent research. So I think that relationship may be the most powerful way to actually transform the way we do things. So I would start by trying to _____ a coalition for your good idea. And I don't know a single leader today who will not listen to a concern that many of their employees hold.


  1. listen
  2. employee
  3. build
  4. trust

Original Text

HT: Well, thank you very much for that fantastic question. So sometimes people at the top won't listen, but it's interesting that with the low trust we have in society right now, the greatest trust we have is actually between the employee and the employer, according to recent research. So I think that relationship may be the most powerful way to actually transform the way we do things. So I would start by trying to build a coalition for your good idea. And I don't know a single leader today who will not listen to a concern that many of their employees hold.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
moral compass 2
leadership style 2
hubris syndrome 2
gender pay 2
powerful levers 2

Important Words

  1. build
  2. coalition
  3. concern
  4. employee
  5. employees
  6. employer
  7. fantastic
  8. good
  9. greatest
  10. hold
  11. idea
  12. interesting
  13. leader
  14. listen
  15. people
  16. powerful
  17. question
  18. relationship
  19. research
  20. single
  21. society
  22. start
  23. today
  24. top
  25. transform
  26. trust